Friday, May 05, 2006

so finally I caved and bought the damn thing

Mia and I went to Ding Dong last night to see Marc, Batrider and the Tucker Bs. During an unnamed terrible band's set (not one of the above obviously) I nicked out to get an espresso at Pellegrini's, because I shouldn't even have been out of the house, I should have been in a foetal position on the couch, and I needed something to pep me up like the fake stamina afforded by a small espresso. And nobody does it better than the great guys at Pellegrini's. But there were a few too many people at the counter so I was hypnotically steered past P's to The Paperback where I instantly became acquainted with five books I wanted to own, including Rip it up and start again (no, actually, I don't want to own this, but I would like to read it) and a new book by Cassandra Pybus. Anyway I compromised with myself and bought Dead Europe. So far I have read two chapters. Anyone want it when I've finished with it?

Marc played I think only four songs - relatively new ones which he has already recorded for his next EP apparently (he releases songs under the name Popolice). It continues to amaze me how, for someone whose own experience/taste in rock music of the past, he seemingly has no problem producing stuff that is so complementary to greats like T Rex, etc. It's the kind of thing that makes you wonder if there's something innate to rock music structure, you know, nature rather than nurture. I wonder what Richard Thompson thinks.

Batrider were their usual selves leading to a discussion afterwards with Mia about whether they are angry or funny or both. My jury is out on whether they are genuinely angry. They don't look angry. Tucker Bs as usual did not fail to amaze with their structuredness (B'rider are also very structured) (in both cases these bands can play something very repetitive for a few minutes and all stop together with no eye contact; all that really means I suppose is they've rehearsed, rehearsed and rehearsed, but I am still impressed, because I really do need eye contact just to confirm what I 99% already know - that it ends now.) Tucker Bs are a very funny band, and I think on some level they're meant to be. There were a number of girls in the audience I would typify as 'very Perth', doing their ironic dancing and working out hand movements to songs - kind of delightful and worryingly selfconscious at the same time. They may not have been from Perth (Mia is, and she'd never dance ironically) but they were being very Perth, sorry Perth if that seems rude, as you know I love Perth. More than many people who are very Perth do, I am sure.

Just to briefly elaborate I recall twenty years ago (so I guess I am talking about the parents of the people I saw last night) David McComb telling me that in Perth people used to take big bunches of flowers - gladioli? I can't remember - and dance with them and smash them on the ground at Triffids shows a la Morrissey in the early Smiths days. That's how I formulated my idea of 'very Perth', I guess, people who act out, or respond to, or comment on the latest cultural phenomena in a public forum. Rather than just be a passive audience member. I think they were doing, and possibly still do, the same kind of thing in Brisbane but there's a bit more cruelty to it in Brisbane mate.

I am still on my novel reading binge. Having finished Ornaments of Grace which I have to say was a bizarre experience I'm still getting over, I then started on Glen Tomasetti's third novel Man of Letters. I am almost precisely half way through and greatly enjoying it. Dorton Serry reminds me a lot of Dexter in Helen Garner's Children's Bach.


Anonymous said...

You'd better make this a review

Wayne Davidson said...

I too want to read Rip It Up and Start Again - but also don't want to own it. What's with that?

Anonymous said...


Wayne Davidson said...

Pow! Uncle Milty would be proud.

David Nichols said...

Wayne, we should chip in $13 bucks each, buy it, read it, and then donate it to something.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...