Saturday, June 24, 2023

my time to shine

...not really. But I have done eleven or so pages of my second graphic novel and I am not unhappy with it so far, and having written the entire thing (with expectation of some elements being altered as I go) I know the best is yet to come. 

This is how it starts, anyway, in 1959. I probably made an error by not drawing anything on the newspaper (and really, if I was to be accurate it would be a broadsheet not a tabloid... I can't do everything) (or perhaps I just can't do anything). This particular character doesn't need any more backstory than this image gives us, though I have plenty of ideas. The main thing that worries me but doesn't worry me that much is that the orange cat who's sleeping in the doorway possibly looks like it is either a tiny, tiny cat leaping from the back of the chair, or that it is not lying but kind of arched in a weird prone position in the doorway - I don't know. I mean to the first possibility I have no problems with that, I like weird juxtaposition, but the second, well, that might be my problem with perspective although I used a google image search for reference and that, more or less, is what a sleeping cat looks like, I think. 

Well, anyway, I am getting somewhere though not as fast as I should I suppose. I keep changing my mind about bits, I am not sure if that's a good sign but ultimately I am happy with what I've decided (I have one more page of this first 'prologue' section to do, and I think then I'll draw the 2-3 other pages where the same 1959 characters appear (we also see them very briefly in the early C21). 

I think it's quite a decent story, particularly since I have never shown any capacity to write fiction before, so I'm starting from a low base. The main problem - unfixable and I have no desire to fix it - is that the first part of the story is a long, rambling party scene which has much more in it than is required for a setup, but which I am just relishing drawing, so why should I deny myself something so nice? You're right, I shouldn't. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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