Wednesday, June 07, 2023

hello singapore and sheer bliss

I am told by blogger that over 5000 Singaporeans looked at this blog in the last 7 days, something that I actually find extremely hard to believe, extremely. But hello Singapore. 

I have nothing to report. I have been working hard on various conference-journal article-book chapter projects. Well, I suppose I have that to report but that's all. 

I did get this in the mail today:

I have wanted it for some time, and it has been curiously elusive. I thought I had found one in Hungary (!!!) and then the guy said oh he'd sold it and forgotten (or something). Then I found one in New Zealand but the guy didn't sell to people like me with slightly less than perfect buyer ratings (I don't know how I got to have a slightly less than perfect rating considering I always pay upfront and the bullshit people on discogs had put me through... but... whatever). So I retired my account and started a new one, which had a perfect buyer rating by dint of having been used to buy nothing from no-one ever. What a system! That's how I came to get a copy of Sheer Bliss.

Well, it's not the greatest record ever made, but it does have a song called 'Silent Number' on it, so I'm pretty pleased to have it. Oh also bizarrely it has a real all-star-cast-you've-never-heard-of of players on it - including, most surprisingly to me, Jarryl Worth/Wirth who was in Babeez/News and this seems to have been about the last thing he ever played on, so strange. He's on two tracks. Then there's a lot of people who'd been instrumentalists in Air Supply. 

Also, I made some good looking bread, but not hungry, I don't know if it is actually good or just looks good. 

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