Monday, June 12, 2023

colonel pewter

It was seventy years ago today that Colonel Pewter debuted in the Melbourne Age. This really is a brilliant story and was deservedly reprinted in book form soon after it completed in the British News Chronicle. Horner was Australian of course (but lived in Britain for fifty or more of his eighty or so years) and I love the 'outsider' view of British society this has (not that these three strips necessarily demonstrate that). 

For two seconds I considered serialising Colonel Pewter like my massively successful repeats of Flook but the first adventure was published as Colonel Pewter in Ironicus, which is excellent and I suggest you get a copy of that for yourself. I also noticed that the following week's run of strips in the Age was very badly reproduced (or at least the version available via is a very bad reproduction) and it seemed a bit of a painful thing to inflct on anyone including myself. I will consider resurrecting some adventures from later though. 

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