Tuesday, March 27, 2007


So much to catch up on diary. Batrider were really good last Friday - they are amazingly tight these days and either they have a style all their own or, I'm just not up on things. I suspect they do have a style all their own. It's both hilarious and chillin'. Mum Smokes didn't sound as great as the previous week. It happens. Suze bought me a felafel and Mia a (oh that'll never be easy to say, luckily I'm writing it) kebab. What a generous soul. I was to take her and Toby to the collectables fair in Camberwell on Sunday but they were 'tired'. I'm not using those inverted commas to imply they actually had better things to do, just quotin'.

At the collectables fair - actually a mega record fair with a few Star Wars figurines and ba-a-a-a-d comics - I got the following: Australian Crawl's Sirocco for only $2; Jethro Tull's This Was for only $3 (cool album); Mississippi's self-titled and only album for, well, $15 (I figured if it had one song half as good as 'Kings of the world' on it, it'd be worth it, but, well, side two doesn't, I'm looking forward to one day hearing side one); Roxy Music's Flesh and Blood; Phil Manning's I wish there was a way (which I note some pedant has titled on the spine, 'I wish there were a way'; Queen's A day at the races (I've wanted a copy of that for thirty years, now I'll wait thirty more to play it), a Polish prog album one song per side keyboard whiz it would seem; that's all I can recall at the moment though I am sure there were more (I've put them away now, never to be seen again). Oh, and the Bay City Rollers' 'Rock and roll love letter', which is just an amazing single.

I think that's about it. I'm looking forward to Easter. How about you?


Anonymous said...

was wondering if Pip Proud would consent to an exclusive interview conducted by myself for publication in the first issue of a new culture music mag (i forget the name). are you still in contact with man? would be a hoot, i think.
ariel pink
my email: ariel@humanearmusic.com

boy moritz said...

David I think it’s a set-up. The real Ariel Pink could only exist in our dreams

Anonymous said...

Now is the time to stop ponderin' and do a postin'.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...