Thursday, March 30, 2006


I have tried to play a piece of video in two classes now and failed both times. In one it was a case of a silly overly technical piece of modern classroom of the future, in the other it was a vcr so simple (and old - it has etched in its trolley the name of the tech this campus used to be) that... that... well, I couldn't figure it out.

You know, they can put a man on the moon, yet I can't play a video in a classroom. Makes you think, doesn't it, where has all this technology really got us?


Anonymous said...

You should try driving a tractor for a livin'!

David Nichols said...

I do that nightshift, idiot.

Anonymous said...

Well excuuuuuse me! Your jerk shift as a jerk never, have a job as a jerk every minute of the day!

Anonymous said...

I read a post of your from last year about a band named Troyka.
Well, Im putting a web site together about the band and was wondering if you would like to pay us a visit at:
Please feel free to sign our guestbook if you like. The whole site isnt complete yet but we have some pictures up and our guestbook.
Thanks..Ron L

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...