Thursday, October 14, 2021

what's going on

I may well have said I wasn't going to obsess over it but OK. This post continues to be far and away the most popular post on this blog and has been for some weeks now (you may click on the link, whatever, you will add to the visits I guess, doesn't matter). It occurred to me maybe that somewhere somehow someone might think it displays some kind of implicit racism or something ('I think they might be turkish', as though that was a notable attribute in Broadmeadows, the suburb with the highest Turkish population in Melbourne if not Australia) when it was actually a reference to a media campaign at the time on the 'be alert - not alarmed' theme. So I concocted a bunch of mysterious observations about the neighbours (as I distantly recall, there was actually no one set of neighbours which fit this bill, though I was at this time or thereabouts resentful of neighbours who had, as far as I was aware, built a huge house on their block without planning permission; but this is just me mixing up ideas through a gaggle of half-remembered notions). 

So as mentioned my previous surmise was that someone had latched on to this blog post for no reason related to its content but instead it was being used as some kind of cypher or key to a code, but now I am wondering whether someone is using it as an example of, I don't know, anti-Turkish sentiment or something equally bizarre which is not in my nature. It was the very last months of the dog whistling Howard government of 2007 - you had to be there. 

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