Monday, October 18, 2021

all is possibility

There is no such thing as an irrelevant picture of Nancy.

I think it's clear how much I love my house, partly because it keeps me interested, there are so many facets to it and problems eg the front room which is like this big box that doesn't know if it's a living room, a dining room or a really wide corridor to the stairs. 

As I may have mentioned it very weirdly has two bathrooms, which would really make no sense even if there was more than just me and two angry cats living here, and I have hatched a pretty stupid plan to make one of the bathrooms basically a studio - to record in and to do art in. What do you think? 

So I spent a bit of time today consolidating boxes (I even threw some things away, but it's OK, they were just really generic and replicable things, like a broken plastic box etc) I didn't really get too far with it but I have to take it slowly and get it right (I mean I was 'at work' today anyway). It is going to be a pretty tiny workspace and it will have a shower (and a cat litter tray, unless I can get Nancy and Helmi to share again, like they used to) in it, but on the whole it will be very New York sublet. 

Speaking of which I watched about 2/3 of Todd Haynes' Velvet Underground and saw some interesting footage I guess but no new information, I feel like they take up too much space in my head anyway, I don't need to think about them. John Cale's early life was pretty harrowing. Mo Tucker was minimised IMO and that's true also of Sterling Morrison. But you know it's all pretty dazzling and clearly TH had access to all kinds of stuff that had certainly never been brought together in such a bombastic way and I dig that. 

I don't have any Velvets records but I do have a few great records that cover them in interesting ways. I think the Subway Sect's version of 'Head Held High' for instance rules.  

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