Sunday, January 25, 2009

best film ever made

Someone has been kind and smart enough to put five minutes of the funniest film ever made, Make Mine Mink, on YouTube, inc. almost all of Kenneth Williams' only scene, I believe one of his first film forays.


Anonymous said...

kw was in quite a few carry on films and some other fillums before mmm. Surely you're going to cross-post this video on the world wide pencil case that is facebook? De-activitating as i type.

Ann ODyne said...

KW was described as giving the performance of his life, onstage, the evening his father was dead from a poisoning, it is now believed was committed by KW.
The father apparently was a beast to wife and son. Recent book on this published.

and apparently he accompanied Barbara Windsor on one of her honeymoons.
whatta guy.

David Nichols said...

Oh only four Carry Ons prior to this, I believe, and about ten other films. Who hasn't got a few of those in their resume.

If Wikipedia's account of Williams' father's death is anything to go by (and why should it be) he certainly wasn't that interested in covering up any role he may have had in his father's death. I had always thought up till now it was suicide - like KW's own death.

Ann ODyne said...

don't shoot the messenger.

Kenneth Williams: UNSEEN
Wes Butters, London, 2008.

Wes Butters: The Official Website
He also might well have murdered his father, who apparently had died after getting his ... Wes is signing copies of his new book, Kenneth Williams Unseen, ... writing the definitive Kenneth Williams biography (out in time for Christmas ! ...

David Nichols said...

I was not questioning you Ann, just saying I hadn't heard that before.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...