Tuesday, January 27, 2009

the age continues to sum up the spirit of... the age

I am not like this big Age bagger or anything, after all, I'm a subscriber and read it every day (despite what I am sometimes told). However, the article on Abi Tucker in today's is... well, fine, apart from the risible:

But she really made her name in the hit youth drama The Secret Life of Us. The series instantly struck a chord with the target audience of twentysomething generation Xers.

Suddenly, everyone was hauling old couches to the roofs of their apartment buildings, sharing spliffs and discussing their latest one-night stand.

I admit: I was no longer a twentysomething by the time TSLOU came out, but I do find it hard to imagine it as the creator of the widespread use of (shared) marijuana or discussion of individual sexploits. Of course, we did drag a couch up onto the roof, it rolled and fell into the back garden killing 11 flatmates.


Ann ODyne said...

risible - tick.
(beautiful word)

If Abi is Australian, he should have his AJA card revoked.

I did not see TSLOU, not even once for a second. Now I know why.

Apparently the chemical component of sativa sensimilia has changed since I was a hippie in 1969, as I have witnessed
Many, consuming Much,
and post-spliff activity was food related, and sex was probably not even physically possible.

One-Night-Stand: a very dangerous activity. Sex with many different people is a cause of cervical cancer, which is a sexually transmitted condition, brought to the woman by the man ( who has had many previous partners)
This is well-documented medically, and ignored by the usually prurient Press.
Don't let your daughter near Mick Jagger.

lucy tartan said...

I didn't see tlsou or whatever either, but they did film the rooftop bits on the top of the block of flats next door to where we lived at the time - a block of flats inhabited by the most buttoned-up, bland, harbinger of gentrification yuppie wanabees you've ever seen.

Anonymous said...

I am reminded of the Cannanes clip filmed atop of Alpha House in Newtown Certainly there was some smoking (alas) was there a couch? I think so. So ahead of the times.

David Nichols said...

True in essence Tom but not literally. That clip was made on top of a former office building on the corner of MIssenden and Parramatta roads.

Anonymous said...

Yes I stand corrected, twice, thank you David. I was corrected earlier by a man in the Toxeth Hotel Glebe who carried a Cannanes documentary on his i-phone. He claimed the building in question was a multi-story car park.

Very hard to fake Cannanes-cred in these days of the "superficial information highway", to quote another well-qualified Cannaniac.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...