Saturday, October 25, 2008

you can't go past todd.

Well you can - many have - but they are all making a big mistake.

Various comments accompany the above on YouTube, including:

'The Glam Rock early '70s! Musicians sure wore some goofy get ups and paint jobs back then!... There was also the unfortunate drag queen branch of glam maybe Alice Cooper began way back in the late '60s, and taken to new heights (or lows) by Bowie and others. I'm glad to see those days are gone! Then in the '90s we got grunge, the polar opposite of glam. Fashions do come and go.'

'Why are you such a Jack off? Fuck face.'

'You sound like you have a fist in your ass, idiot'

'How dose it feel to have a nut sack resting on your nose all day, you can't talk because your mouth is full. It may sound like I have a fist up my ass, but we all know you actually do! YOU are a first class idiot. Come out of the closet fuck face, Carrot top is waiting.'

'I want to do a pastel painting of Todd in his Cosmic Cowboy outfit, but I have searched on the internet "high and low" and can never find a COLOR shot of it. Do you by any chance remember what color the spots were on his outfit?'

Here's another fine piece of Todd work:

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...