Saturday, October 11, 2008

disease is rampant

Well, so yesterday I came down with yet another cold, not as bad as the last few, but this is about the 5th this year (I have probably complained in my usual flamboyant style all through this blog so I could go back and check but won't). I felt nauseous Thursday - sore throat Friday morning - taking cold and flu tabs Friday day - feverish at night - slept a lot of today, which is something I actually hate to do.

Mia is playing with New Estate tonight at the John Curtin but I'm not going. I am sure it will be a good show - the third last with Brad. You read it here first, possibly.

So I have a lot of writing to do and will start on that pretty soon. I have a journal article to finish by the end of the month, having submitted two last week I don't feel that I have been slack in that regard. I have also (finally) started writing my new undergrad course which will be an epic, but I already feel very good about it.

For some reason something made me remember I absolutely think The Fall are one of the best bands ever. This is one of my favourite of their tracks. It was never on a 'real' album.

Later - so being ill I thought I should be allowed to entertain myself with babyish mindless flippin' entertainment and I watched The Bill for the first time in ages. What a painfully stupid program that has always been, but is much more so now I'm sure. Tonight's episodes re: a series of bomb attacks in Sun 'Ill doesn't know whether to patronise its viewers or titillate them with self-righteous bumf. The final scene re: a key clue, 'the Elvis four' which is revealed to be an anagram of 'the four evils'. That's about as much an anagram as 'a nag ram' is of 'anagram'. I suppose I shouldn't be so swift to condemn, the storyline hasn't resolved and maybe the Elvis four will end up referring to something like the Million Dollar Quartet, but it's looking unlikely. And every line, every character, and every scenario in The Bill is... well... well, it's a shitty program!!!

Later still - I see Mutiny on the Buses is on later tonight at about 3 am - if I'm up (having slept most of the day you'll recall) I can get my fix of genuine cockney characterisation and hijinx then.

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...