Last night New Estate played along with Worlds End Press and Tugboat. It was a really good night at the Empress. I first asked Mia out at the Empress 9 years and 11 months ago. I have fond memories of the Empress for other reasons too – a lot of good times had there. It is a pretty good place overall.
I wonder what happened to Yahoo Serious. I just watched a 1989 interview with him, when he was poised for success I suppose. He was an interesting filmmaker I think. I wonder how posterity will judge him. Some of the humour was pretty corny. Some of it was quite good. I think I was too old for it. I think he made three films. I wonder what he’s doing right now and if he’s still married to Lulu Pinkus, whose name I saw in another film from the 70s or early 80s recently though I cannot remember what it was. It might have been something that included one of the Reyne brothers’ naked bottoms. (Later: no, after checking IMDb I realise she played the part of 'Wendy' in Snapshot, the Sigrid Thornton 'thriller' we saw a few weeks ago. I don't actually remember the character of Wendy, but I suppose she was one of the cohabitants of the photographer's house. IMDb also tells me that this film was marketed in the USA as both The Day Before Halloween and The Night After Halloween although, as the sole reviewer notes, Halloween is not mentioned anywhere in the film. They also idiotically wonder whether they have pumpkins in Australia, another way of saying 'I'm ignorant, and it's someone else's fault for being potentially complex'.)
The first time I ever saw the holy triumvirate of the Cannanes, Huon and Fog and Ocean was at The Empress. Although these shows were on separate occasions, each band back then used to serve baguettes to paid customers, this was at a time of lawlessness and rations were scarce. The bread empowered us all and allowed us to look ahead to a new day, which was rare.
Speaking of which..when is the next NE gig? I seem to recall a Minc webpage which listed them, but it no longer loads.
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