Tuesday, June 20, 2006

sands through the hourglass

I can't say I love this new template but having gone to all the trouble of selecting it I will stick with it for a few days.

I was not feeling well (something to do with that healthy juice I had at Melbourne Central around 6:30) so I dozed and then awoke at midnight to watch the final Six Feet Under. Great ending. I don't feel I can discuss it too extensively here since practically everyone I know is up to series 3. I can't really understand why this is so, but it is so. Then I couldn't sleep for hours, not probably because of the excitement of the ending of 6FU but just because I'd had a little sleep and then was intending on more of the same. Mia says my body was confused but how does that figure? My body knows what's going on, or it should, that's why it has a head and brain on it.

Meanwhile Neighbours is at this point going through a heavy teen pregnancy schtick which I am not particularly up for. I suppose I know why teen pregnancy is so important to a show like Neighbours but I also had hoped we had all moved on from this kind of stock issue. It seems so moralistic and conventional. I would rather have the Robert/Cameron thing or Katya/Toady - that was top stuff.


Anonymous said...

some gazebo you got going there

Anonymous said...

new template is very ethereal.

Anonymous said...

She means to say it's very Gore Vidal love shack

David Nichols said...

You haven't seen our house since we put the ashram on top have you

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what that means

David Nichols said...

I meant howdah. Or something. Something you could have an ashram in.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...