Friday, February 10, 2006

laundry with a view

I am in the laundry with a view in Wellington YHA. Tomorrow I am moving to the Wellington Ibis because I figured after some thinking that hell, I have a full on year ahead of me and i need a couple of days in the Wellington Ibis. But tonight I am drunkenly washing clothes in the Wellington YHA which overlooks the Wellington firestation. Some woman in a tracksuit just came in looking everywhere but at me at this computer to establish that she could not use the computer at 1 am in the morning or whatever in christ's name the time is. I bought a Popeye collected - I have about three of the volumes but nowhere enough of the (christ, I cannot type properly and keep making errors every time I try to write a word I have to go at least three times and I'm still not doing it right plus I think some of these keys are stuck) full sweep of classic Popeye - it is one of the most amazing comic art works I can imagine - I love original E C Segar Popeye. Anyway I bought one in this comic shop in Cuba St it was a remaindered volume I guess and quite cheap I can't believe the rubbish comics that people buy that are full of big -breasted superhero women rabbits and there is this complete freaking gem here just sitting there but that is my worldl. Anyway I was reading that to get to sleep but no dice so I thought fuck it I'll just wash clsothes to get to sleep even though I won't get to sleep at all I am sure. So that's what I'm doing, in the laundry with a view which sits two floors above my room.

Other news, Wellington is a rulilng city which I really like a LOT, with crazy streets and insane views and it's great for me to ride my skateboard in, not to mention my freakin HORSE.

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d4 the toffee apple man

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