Wednesday, February 08, 2006

i broke down...

and bought an MP3 player. It's an iriver with 1 gig of meg and the booty of a ram. As I write this (I am reminded of that Private Eye joke about John Lennon, 'I've made piles just stitting here') I am downloading old David McComb/Triffids songs from the appropriate official quarter.

This evening we went and called on James and Miranda and collected our t-shirts thank you. I am most impressed with my red one and Mia's is red too but a different red. Oh, she says mine is rust and hers is siren red. Painters! Anyway they look amazing and may I suggest if you buy only one Flywheel t-shirt this year this ought to be the one.

I probably had too much coffee (three) today as I became freaking paranoid this evening that I was meant to fly to Wellington tonight or perhaps tomorrow morning. I've checked it up though and it seems all present and correct. If I missed my flight to Wellington I could see Calvin Johnson in Melbourne, which is something I'd also like to do, so... I win either way.

The car is still being dodgy but it seems like it was dirty fuel.


Anonymous said...

That colour is all wrong for you. Mint Julip, Periwinkle, Ricotta, etc.

David Nichols said...

I favour bullwinkle actually but the rust matches my, er, rust

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...