Wednesday, June 10, 2009


How am I feeling today? Cheap Candy - Shaft Will I get far in life? Blush - Wa Wa Nee How do my friends see me? What You Know - Mum Smokes When will I get Married?Dot Dash - Wire What is my best friend's theme song? Carpe et Diem - royalchord What is the story of my life? Bodysnatcher Blues - Dave Graney What was high school like?Faith Healer - Sensational Alex Harvey Band How am I going to get ahead in life? Game of Numbers - The Native Cats What is the best thing about me? It's so obvious - WireHow is today going to be?Out the door at last - The Yips What is in store for this weekend? Highly Strung - The Rustlers What song describes my parents? Silver Thread - royalchord What song describes your grandparents?Honky Tonk Rope a Dope - Dave Graney How is my life going?Half Past One - CanWhat song will they play at my funeral?House Music - Mum Smokes How does the world see me?Not One of the Boys - Mum Smokes
Will I have a happy life?Carried Away - Split Enz What do my friends really think of me?Get Behind Me - Scott Walker

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...