We set off wagging our tails on a fine-ish Saturday afternoon.

A house on the way to Dallas.

A house on the way to Dallas.

'I am enjoying looking at that house, it's fine.'

A house on the way to Dallas.

A house on the way to Dallas.

The rear of the Dallas shops. They are lively. There is a bookshop, a fruitshop, a really weird bottle shop. And two supermarkets, it's really quite good.

Birds washing in a puddle. Or you think up a caption.

'Quiet please, I am looking at birds washing in a puddle'.

This is a place called Break Point. Who knows what it is.

This is a nissen hut we saw. There are two at the school at Dallas north of the shopping centre.

Time to go home. 'That was tops master, all that remains is for me to crap on the nature strip and you to efficiently scoop it into a ripped-open cigarette packet and carry it for blocks and blocks!'
(And by the way: Just wanted to make sure you noticed on the front page of The Age on the weekend that our area was one of the very few that went up in value over the last year - by conservative estimate Chez Lorraine has appreciated at a rate of about 12 000 a year since we bought it five years ago and unlike most homes in Melbourne has not reduced its value under the GFC.)
There's a new Sandra Bullock movie out.
Property is theft and skiting about its value is just plain
I guess I would rather be a thieving property owner than being thieved from one. Is there a middle ground? Skiting about the value of one's property is vulgar but having been the subject of much vulgar skiting from others about the lack of value of my property naturally makes it difficult to resist a big fuck you to my skitees.
Two wrongs do not make a right.
Nanny Bairnsdale indeed. Who's this, the ghost of Hal Porter?
Curious you should mention Mr Porter. I was Matron at Hutchins School when he was English master and sniped away until he was dismissed. Two wrongs don't make a right I told the Headmaster...
Nanny Bairnsdale is scripted by Alan Bennett
And another house in our street went for 150% of what we paid for ours, on the weekend.
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