Tuesday, June 03, 2008

hidden treasure

I wasn't tagged for this meme, but I'm going to do it anyway, because I feel like it. So there. And those previous three sentences and the Qs below and one or two answers taken from Ampersand Duck; see the link at sidebar.

What was I doing 10 years ago?
Second year of PhD research. Conferences, maybe my first teaching forays. Mia and I living together for first time in Hartwell, I think, with Fiona and Guy, and perhaps later that year in Brunswick on our own. Or perhaps Brunswick happened the following year.

Five snacks I enjoy in a perfect, non weight-gaining world

1. Olives particularly stuffed with something.

2. Booja mix or whatever they call it.

3. Tick tocks.

4. Pakoras.

5. Corn chips

Five snacks I enjoy in the real world:

6. See 1-5 above

7. Rice crackers

8. Rye bread

9. Ryvitas

10. The muffins from castros, particularly sour cherry

Five things I would do if I were a billionaire:

1. Buy houses and rent them cheap but fair

2. Build a model suburb

3. Squander

4. Keep the vast wealth a secret so we didn't have to move

5. Spend time in South America and Iceland and, er, Romania and Africa. And both Koreas and of course many parts of Australia.

Five jobs that I have had:

1. Journalist

2. Bookshop servist

3. Writer of computer manuals

4. Lugger

5. Christmas card designer

Three of my habits:

1. compulsively charming

2. saying 'would you like a little coffee?' (so I have been told, but actually, I have never said this)

3. coming back into the house a minute after I have left because I have forgotten something

Five places I have lived:

1. Richmond, Vic

2. Sandy Bay, Tasmania

3. Chippendale, NSW

4. Annandale, NSW

5. Bloody London


Ampersand Duck said...


Isn't that the best word?!

BTW, absolutely adored Sherbet when I was younger. Haven't listened to them in years!

Miss Schlegel said...

Can I tag myself? My blog has been so gloomy lately.

All right then, I will, if you insist.

Anonymous said...

every place i have ever lived - southport kingaroy mundingburra noosa dirranbandi atherton innisfail toowong auchenflower chelmer flemington west footscray yarrawonga eastwilby southboomanoomanah northkillawarra westpeechelba

spesseo - now that's poetic

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...