Friday, August 17, 2007

foul cravings

I may have described in this very forum, or just to you when we spoke last week, how earlier in the year I developed a strong craving for Lapsan Souchong tea. In fact it was in this forum because now I recall the wonderful Kathryn Clarke dropped in on me at work with some, having read in the Perth Sunday Times version of this blog (nb that's a joke - an unfunny, meaningless, peculiar joke, unless you laughed) how I had got this unusually strong desire for a beverage I last tasted, and rejected, about 20 years earlier (and which Mia refers to as smelling like burnt wood etc etc). Well, now something worse has happened.

A couple of years ago I purchased from the Pascoe Vale Road Market, a bottle of fermented turnip juice, on the basis that I could not imagine what it would be like. It was probably the worst-tasting liquid I have ever tasted apart from a strange homeopathic concoction presented to me by the very delightful naturopath who worked at Russells in Glebe when I worked there in 1985. Anyway, fermented turnip juice tastes, I'm guessing, like the piss of a lower vertebrate from the salt flats - some animal with a lot of salt to flush out, anyway. It must have some kind of medicinal application, or it is just produced on the credo that someone's always ready to taste the most disgusting thing imaginable.

And now I really want some.


shhh... said...

Funny you should mention that Sunday Times article as I have had a packet of Lapsang Souchong sitting on my bench for some weeks now, as I debate whether or not it would be creepy to receive via mail items spoke of upon your blog. But, now my question has been answered: tea? No, nothing creepy about that, but I may hold off accompanying it with the turnip juice - that *would* be creepy. Hurrah to Kathryn for her superior skills in interpreting social etiquette!

Meredith Jones said...

Strangely I've been drinking Lapsang Souchong for the past week. The most disturbing thing about your post is that you worked at Russells.

David Nichols said...

Kathryn Clarke is kind of like a guru to me. And Meredith, yes, I worked at Russells for about six months in '85. It was pretty ghastly. Celebs I served? Heck, only Peter Garrett, Lin Bickfield and not to mention the woman who played Honey Barbara inBliss!

David Nichols said...

I meant Buckfiield not Bickfield. I was obviously a bit too concerned with getting the 'i' in Lin right that I added one in her surname.

Anonymous said...

The bugger is that smoked products (of any sort) are apparently carcinogenic, and shouldn't be consumed on a regular basis. But let's face it, even gurus have to die of something. Anyway, I drink my LST on an irregular basis - sometimes one cup a day, sometimes three, sometimes in the morning AND the afternoon, sometimes just in the morning...

David Nichols said...

Kathryn, this news broke my heart.

David Nichols said...

I mean the carcinogenic bit.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...