Sunday, September 01, 2024

sunday morning in helsinki (two weeks ago) - part 2

So just after I wrote the preceding post, I went out for a coffee, and spoiler I got one and it wasn't at all bad, but anyway, I realised that Hotel Anna has a conference room, with an actual fax machine, isn't that glorious? Portrait of the author in the reflection in the glass. 


There is another non-ironic telephone (what they call locally an ei-ironinen* puhelin) on the shelf there. 
Above; view into the courtyard; below, the gloriously empty streets of Iso Roobertinkatu.
The sparrows (?) of Espresso House. (If they're sparrows as we English-speakers understand them, they're varpuset, but I am only sparrowising them for convenience). 

They left after they realised I had no pulli for them. 
I love this shop, and I have loved it previously in posts on this blog (go looking).** I will love it again after midday today I suspect (when it opens for Sunday trading). 

* The existence of the word 'ei-ironinen' suggests that there was no word for 'ironic' in Finnish before the word was appropriate/adapted from, I assume, English although wiktionary tells me it has Latin, Greek and French derivations. I can't believe there was no concept of irony in Finnish language/culture/society before this time though! Can't believe, so won't believe. 
** For instance, here, but go looking first please. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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