Tuesday, September 10, 2024

fake zombies follow-up


You might remember I grizzled about this a few weeks ago. Well, I've continued to listen and the pace has picked up, which is a major plus, and the content has become more engaging and sophisticated, too, which I like. 

I guess when it comes down to it it's pursuing an impossible dream, what was it like to be in a band that pretended it was the Zombies. Everyone's memories, before they died anyway (3/4 of the fake Zombies are dead) are or were messy and scrambled, and when it comes down to it the whole thing seems to be this: the group was assembled, they toured as the Zombies, they were fairly different from the Zombies though so being called the Zombies was really just a device to get people to come and see them, and in the final analysis, they just wanted to go out on the road. I would come this (---) close to saying, well why not. It's not like they were taking ticket money away from the real Zombies, who had quietly split up. 

Still, the lives of Americans who were once part of a semi-cool scene in Texas or wherever, who then either became megastars (Frank Beard, Dusty Hill) or obscure (everyone else) are pretty interesting, the obscure people more than the megastars. So, I recommend it more than I did before. 

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