Wednesday, September 04, 2024

walk back from the yliopisto (2 weeks ago)

'Yliopisto' is the Finnish word for 'university'. So now you know. 

Today (20 Aug) I gave my paper in the conference and I was feeling a bit crazy/overtired etc, and I decided to walk back to my digs rather than take the ubiquitous bus. I was on a call to Laura for about half the walk, it was late night wherever she was, but she bore it. I'm starting to think she likes me.

The highlights of the Lauraless section of the walk are below, and tbh they aren't really much. They are also in reverse order of how they happened - I can't explain that. I can't imagine it'll matter to you very much, will it? If so, then look at them in the reverse order OK. Here's an underpass. 

Here's a mosaic that's a bit like a train, in another underpass (not the one above). 
Here's a building. 
Here's a little building with a picture of a building (and a train) on it. 
Same building, from another angle. 
A house. 
Another house (although actually since these are in reverse order, this is a house, and the above is another house). 
I think I took this picture because I was bothered by seeing a car on the path, but later I came to feel the path was probably a road. 
I'm actually pretty rooted, so I don't have anything of value to say about any of this, which must be quite bizarre to you all given what you're used to on this blog. But here's a bit of bonus content: 

Most of the magazines published in Finland are like this. 

And here's the Iron Club. Self portrait bottom left. 

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