Friday, September 20, 2024

laura's launch

I am torn between a strong desire to commemorate Laura's extraordinary achievement as author and publisher of Making the Shrine which was launched during the week, and a strong reticence to look like I'm basking in someone else's glory. I don't bask! Let's just say that the book is being exceptionally well received (I won't say that was predictable; sometimes people just don't know what's good, much less good for them); it's a modern classic, I've heard, and well, I knew that. 
The launch itself went beautifully, and I think many attendees enjoyed the event possibly in a comparable fashion to which they will enjoy the book. Laura has been through the wringer but she would have deserved the success even if she hadn't been, because the book is incredible. I have probably already gone into boring detail about how it's wrong, wrong wrong to be proud of what someone else did, so let's just make the point that it's an amazing achievement and also that you can buy your own copy here and why on earth wouldn't you!? 

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division 4 the grasshoppers

This is a truly classic episode called 'The Grasshoppers' (aired 9 April 1973). It is topped and tailed with these two river flats d...