Thursday, September 26, 2024

the more i learn, the less i know

Just looking at whatever I can find about islands off the coast of the state of Victoria, I noticed a file regarding a query about sale of 'Brilla Island' in the PROV listings. I didn't know where on earth this Brilla Island was, but I figured this was the way to find out whatever there was to find out about it. I won't go into extensive detail about the people involved (although I did try to find the main correspondent in the newspapers in the 70s and 80s and got nowhere) but the point is a person, I assume a man, who lived in suburban Melbourne, let's say East Bentleigh, wrote asking to buy or lease Brilla Island from the Department of Crown Lands and Survey in late 1971.

They wrote, 'The reason for my interest in this small piece of land is that I have lived in the vicinity of Western Port Bay for the majority of my life. Also having owned land on French Island as well as my parents and brother.

'I am very interested in the conservation of Western Port Bay. We have a boat and do quite a lot of fishing and cruising in Western Port Bay.' 

Answer came back (January the following year, which was fine, because the original letter was in December), no we can't sell or lease this island to you. 

So where is Brilla Island? It's right there, the red bit, at the northern point (more or less) of French Island. 

 The weird bit is when you go looking for that on regular maps because there's only this:

And the weird thing about that is when you try searching for this name anywhere else. Because you won't get that. You'll get this:

To add to the weirdness of the whole, a search on all the newspapers in brings up precisely nothing about Brilla, Barralliar, or Barrallier islands except this snippet from the Sporting Globe in 1939:

And a search on the internet generally for 'Brilla Island' brings up this and this alone - from the Victorian Government Gazette for 25 September 1874, which incidentally is exactly 150 years and one day from the day I'm writing this:

So I guess it's, like, a super obscure island or something, and I guess they, well, they changed its name sometime between 1972 and now. 

I have to get on to Wikipedia and add the snippet about Brilla Island though actually before I do that I'd like to find out more about when and why it was changed. 

Then of course I'll see if I can buy it. 

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