Saturday, September 14, 2024

finland final thoughts (two weeks ago)

So I have been back from Finland for basically a day (more like 22 hours) now and have spent a Friday in a limbo state which films can sometimes represent so well, you know, delayed responses, standing outside myself, sitting there not saying or really doing or thinking anything for a long time. Jetlag is possibly worse than you think it is because you don't entirely realise what state you're in while you're in it. I note that two weeks ago I was enduring airport hell waiting for a flight and I said that was a first world problem and so is this so... fine. I am not even totally complaining. What's the point? It just is.

Perry is two years old today, and like me he's been awake since 2am and he is now acting like it's time to get into the day but the joke's on him because it's actually time to go back to bed for a few hours. We have been out for a walk and he's also had two weetbix, which is certainly a food I've never given him before but maybe they gave it to him at the Pet's Hotel? Or maybe at Doggy day care. They are good for dogs I gather. 

So I bored Laura, when I was actually able to talk, with my boring thoughts about various Finnish things, because of course it's not just the experience of being there, it's a culture and a language that fascinates me and the difficulties inherent in engaging with it also fascinates me. I have to say that there is something special about looking through Finnish records or books or even some other things that remind me of trying to come to grips with the world as a child or teenager. So much to remember and interpret. This is not special to Finnish things, it's just any culture where there's a huge amount of internal connections that don't necessary have a context ready to hand. 

OK I said 'final thoughts' above but I will probably have others, if I do I'll let you know. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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