Wednesday, April 17, 2024

no pants today

Today I hastened to what has become known as the pants tree to see what pants were on the tree today. Disappointingly, the pants choice represented today was nudism. 
Should I go back tomorrow? 

Meanwhile, I was moved to check my average steps: 

I went looking just then for an article in the Guardian about some guy in England who dealt with a breakup and I think he walked 15k steps a day, but I might be minimising the figure (which is why I wanted to find the article). Anyway I know that 10k is the reputedly healthy amount, to which I can only say, if I didn't walk this much on average how fucking unhealthy would I be?! Because I am not exactly bouncingly radiant right now (nor am I ill). 

Looks like November was my lowest walking month of the last 12, which is strange, it wasn't very hot or anything, I can't really understand why that would be the case. I wonder how it's calculating the second half of April? So many questions. 

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