Friday, May 13, 2022

what a week

I spent a lot of this week fretting over my latest attempt to get a promotion to Level E. Only because Es are good. Who knows how it will go this time (I tried last year, but no luck/ability)? All I know is if I just keep going, I'll do it eventually, or alternatively, won't. No huge shame in being Level D (some colleagues I respect have, I assume without actually asking them because it seems a bit rude, decided to never try for promotion) and I kind of like the level of responsibility where I am, so I won't cry if I don't get there, though I will squirm at the kindness I imagine I'll be shown by other colleagues who have seen the 17page application I wrote saying how fantastorific I am, which failed to impress a committee.

Anyway, I submitted a few hours ago (and a few hours before deadline, which always feels simultaneously like a mistake and a triumph). We'll see. It ate into valuable lecture prep time...  

But even that's OK. We all know it's a lot of blather. I hope. 


Richard said...

To Level E from D sounds like a demotion but if it's not Good Luck!

David said...

It's counterintuitive isn't it, but should it be? E does come after A, B, C and D. It has taken me many years to finally get to 'yes, E follows D, and promotion in academe is not the 3XY singles Top 5 but with letters'. Thanks for your kind wishes Richard.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...