Tuesday, May 03, 2022

everything must be recorded

If you told me some stat like that there were more photos taken in 2022 so far than were ever taken in the history of the world before 2000 I wouldn't be at all surprised (though I would ask you how you knew that, and also whether you meant photos taken and developed, or photos taken). Anyway. I have just spent a drab half hour looking through photos on my phone from when photos on my phone 'started', i.e. 2017, and I've been trying to figure out what to do with them, about half of them are photos of Nancy, who is a very photogenic cat but what do you do with a photo of a cat? You don't show them to the cat, and it's not like Nancy has any children or anything who will want nice photos of things in her life e.g. when she slept on the couch etc. The fact that Nancy probably has another decade of life to go (I hope!) only means there are just going to be tens of thousands more pictures of Nancy. She is beloved, that's for sure. 

I deleted about three of the photos when they were obviously mistakes (but none of Nancy). It was kind of surprising I will say to see pictures of people in some instances who I thought were recent acquaintances but who were actually people I knew five years ago, and contrasting that with people from five years ago who I now not only no longer speak to (their choice) but who I haven't spoken to for a long, long time. I know that sounds maudlin but I don't care about those people or miss them, I'm just commenting on the weird tectonic plates of memory. 

What is most important really in looking at that old stuff from 2017 (random date, I'm not that interested in 2017 per se) is how disparate my experiences were, and unfocused. I was certainly doing a lot of random travelling around the western suburbs, primarily on my own, which now seems odd. Anyway, it's breakfast time. 

This post is a lot about what I'm not feeling or doing which I realise seems like projection but it's actually just me going into battle with my old self I think. Nothing wrong with that. Don't want to be a sad old dog who can't change. My life is presently extremely good, and it was on reflection very shit in 2017. 

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