Sunday, May 01, 2022

may 1952 flook

The 24/5 strip has another example of that interesting decision so often made in the US about non-US English and in the rest of the world about US English; it's already been established (sometime last month I think) that they are not only in England but also 'back in England'. But in a comic strip with an average of under four words per frame, who needs that kind of backgrounding exposition? N.o.b.o.d.y. So it's 'you aint paid yer quarter!!'

Also note that very strangely the word 'magic' has been flown in by another hand, I cannot imagine why. After a 'knobbly knees' competition and everything. I wonder what kind of phenomenon knobbly knees is, by the way, and was it really a thing before it became a comedy trope, after which, no doubt, it became a thing? I should look it up. Probably has something to do with a rickets outbreak. 

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