Sunday, May 15, 2022

there's nowhere good to have breakfast at queen victoria market

QVM feels a little work-in-progress at the moment with ugly new buildings being put up to its south and the above kind of nonsense going on which I think is described on a sign as 'essential renewal'. The bummer is, there is really nowhere to have a good breakfast, by which I mean, not a fucking egg and bacon fryup. There is one cafe which I went to for donkey's years run by I think an Indian family (sorry if that's wrong) who did a very superior scrambled tofu. I'm not going to name or shame the new management but that cafe is now much more normy than it was (popular though) and it certainly doesn't cater to the likes of me, which I understand (though obviously don't approve) but looking around at all the empty shopfronts etc you have to think surely there is room enough for a whole lot of new places that could cater to people who didn't even necessarily want their shopping at QVM to be an experience, just somewhere to glean an interesting toasted bagel with idontknowwhat on it, I'm not a chef or an innovator. Someone should do it though. 

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