Friday, May 27, 2022

joan niewand

You may recall a few years ago I gleaned basically everything there was to glean re: Una Niewand nee Dempster but this morning for no reason other than I am a procrastinator par excellence I did a quick google search on her daughter Joan. I was shocked to discover Joan exists online. She died in 2004. Edna Walling, who was apparently a good friend, took this picture of her sometime in the 1950s. It's in the NGV.

Not too much more to say except she was on the committee of the Murtoa Girl Guides in 1939 according to the Melbourne Age of13 June 1939 p. 12. Seems possible. Also, she wrote this letter to the Age in July 1949 (published 4 July, p. 2):

She was rebuked a couple of days later in the same paper (6 July, p.2) by someone called Buchanan saying she was confusing primitive areas with national parks. 

It's a good surname Niewand and I like it. I wonder how they said it and actually I wonder how they say it now. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...