Tuesday, May 10, 2022

pintandwefall - your stories, baby

I mean just in case I was in any doubt that I was in some kind of shitty matrix where my own brain was being used to create its own 'favourite band' here is the second most recent Pintandwefall album, Your Stories Baby, from 2020. It has their most absolutely commercial (?) song on it. It also has an opener called 'Titanic' which is brilliant not just for the mental lyrics 'sometimes we do quote the odd Titanic line back and forth' and more, but also the best worst / worst best guitar solo ever... 

I don't feel comparisons do them (or anyone usually) justice, but they do remind me very much of the Undertones, not only in the remarkable pop tunes and very funny lyrics which are wry without being overly intellectual or referential to anything (except I suppose Titanic), and just seem to look at pop a whole new way. Lovingly, but at arm's length. 

I don't know how far back I want to go into their catalogue because while I really love the third most recent, Red and Blue Baby, the older records seem a lot more sort of grungy? Or maybe I should go there and let it work magic on me, which it might. I have purchased a copy of the 2011 Time is Right for Romans, Baby so I guess we'll see. 

(Or I could buy a CD copy of their second album for a mere euro! What could go wrong)

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