Wednesday, July 01, 2020

two months to do three times as much as I have done in the last three months

So now I am at the beginning of the second chapter. I have written the whole thing, but I have only drawn about four pages of it. There are pros and cons. There are more pictures per page (8) but I have already constructed most of the frames already, photocopied on A3 pages, and the action is largely static, with some bits that are more complicated than my talent as a drawer can handle. If I got another 20 pages of this thing done by this time next week, however, I would really feel like I could relax and pay attention to the whole; this chapter 2 is kind of an arduous grind but in the scheme of things an easier get. All the characters (I made up the three publicity ladies, above, this morning) are created and I feel like overall it's more the boredom of repeating the same scenery/people that will be the challenge (boring for the reader and me) rather than the difficulty of conveying things. 

This chapter is about the actress/performer known as 'Biltong' who appeared as the robot maid in The Rest of Quiglet. She is promoting a memoir and if there's anything funny about this chapter it is that she has had an exceptionally adventurous and extraordinary life, but the host of the tv show she's appearing on just keeps bringing conversation back to the fairly dull details of the Quiglet show. Even when she talks about that she gives up all kind of information that he fails to absorb or quiz her on. Ha ha, right? I don't know if it's funny or not. Also, she keeps berating the stupidity of the studio audience, who are extremely fickle. 

As the philosophers say, 'it is what it is'. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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