Friday, January 19, 2018

Summer Gold: Lori Balmer 'La Booga Rooga'

Lori Balmer was 23 years into her career as an entertainer and 29 years old when her cover of Andy Fairweather Low's 'La Booga Rooga' was released (under the name Lori Balmer and Short Notice, some sources say) and did not become a hit. I can't help but a hear something very Benataresque and I guess once again it was the zeitgeist as this record was released almost simultaneously to the first Pat Benatar hits (Benatar was seven years older than Lori Balmer, I don't even know why I'm pointing that out, it's irrelevant).

I note that Balmer herself comments on the above clip and that's funny but I kind of disagree - not a great song in the scheme of things but a great performance, not just Balmer's vocal but also the fresh new wavey protometal guitar. Not a dud, at all, but not a hit, bizarrely. (Also, I note with interest that Discogs, where they always get everything totally right all the time, don't list this single as having been released. I guess it might not be by some po-faced dude regarding a silver sphere or something).

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