Wednesday, January 25, 2017

the tropical bird with the long toes

Jacana (the tropical bird with the long toes) will be the name for the housing area west of Pascoe Vale Rd. and south of Broadmeadows Road.
The Housing Commission informed Broadmeadows Council last week of the acceptance of the name.
But Council will maintain that the area east of Pascoe Vale Road will still be called Broadmeadows so that it won’t lose its identity.
The new Jacana station will be built mainly to serve residents in the Western Commission settlement.

(FOOTNOTE: Road construction work in this new area, north of the overpass in Pascoe Vale Road is almost complete. More than 500 homes will be built there).  ‘”Jacana” – District Name’ Broadmeadows Keilor Observer 27March 1958 p. 3

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