...because it was my life. Yes, here I am having a quiet night at home after a large Warrnambool jaunt which I probably won't ever blog about, and thought why don't I get the old photo albums out and have a look at the good old days and blow me down they were a very strange bunch of pictures that really made me wonder what the hell sort of person I have been. Here are some of them. When I say strange, by the way, I'm not being like some teenage girl saying 'me and my friends are mad', I'm saying why did someone take those photos, why did someone choose to put them in a photo album??? And that someone is me.
Jesus plays chess with yeeros made of people?
It wuz the 80s.
Where was that first picture taken? It looks so familiar, yet I don't know why and can not place it.
I worked out where I know this picture from, and I'm sure you know - not that you were kind enough to respond!
Anyway, it seemed very important to me that I come back here and inform you. Closure of sorts I suppose.
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