Well I spent around sixty, which still isn't bad (imagine, if I'd bought the two copies of Spectrum's
Milesago I saw I would have spent $210).
I've said this before, and I think it's relatively true, I don't buy records for their collectable status. I just buy things I'm interested in and need for research (don't laugh). (Or laugh if you like, and be happy, but it's still true). So I bought:
The Moir Sisters Lost - somewhere beyond harmony
Jeannie Lewis
Tears of Steel and the Clowning Calavera
Emerson Lake and Palmer Emerson Lake and Palmer
Sweet and Sour OST
Dynamic Hepnotics Cool
Jaromir Cermak, Karel Saisek, Kamil Bednol
Praho, Na Shledanou
The Aliens
The Radiators
Scream of the Real
John Paul Young One foot in front
Mike McClellan Ask any dancer
Ray Burton
Dreamers and nightflyers
Mark Gillespie
Sweet Nothing
Mike McClellan Until the Song is done
Fox Fox
Captain Rock
Buried Treasure
Doctor Buzzard's Original Savannah Band Doctor Buzzard's Original Savannah Band
At least half of these cost under $3. Not much else to report. These events seem to be getting worse for rudeness and stupidity, but it's surely just me getting politer and smarter. Two snatches of conversation:
'The new Apple computers have significantly more features than the older models'.
'I dated Brian Henderson's illegitimate daughter a few times.'
Anyway, after the event I felt quite soiled and spent, as one would. Luckily in the car park there was the answer to my troubles.
Lotsa ladies there, I'll bet!
More than you might imagine but... no.
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