Thursday, May 29, 2008

i've just been picking up dog shit in the back yard by torchlight

I saw Samuel Johnson so upful on Monday night after the bad stuff that's gone down in his life over the last few years, and he was saying, when I die and my life passes before my eyes, being a part of this short filmmaking project will take a considerable chunk of it. For me it will be the little things like picking up dog shit. I think Gandhi did that too, didn't he? While he was talking to Kruschev. It's great to do such humbling things because it reminds you how simply brilliant you are. I use the hand in a bag method, what'll I do when there are no more plastic bags?


Anonymous said...

hey david
when next you speak/scribe to pip p please let him know how much i enjoyed his piece in meanjin of a few months ago. was his 'poetry' recorded anywhere en masses, or just in short run journal of nigh on 40years ago???

Anonymous said...

and yes
a) i know that reads like english-as-a-second-language, and
b) it has nothing to do with dogshit.
oh well

lucy tartan said...

For picking up chook shit I use this thing for collecting cigarette buts and stuff off the ground, it's got a metal box on a long handle, and a scraper thing also on a long handle. You could use one of them. Or you could just use your hand.

David Nichols said...

Just get another dog that likes eating shit, I reckon. Or cultivate a faster bacteria. Richard V, I think you'll need to clarify your interesting question as I'm not sure what you mean.

BREN LUKE said...

Nice segway between Samuel Johnson and dog shit. Wow!

Anonymous said...

I'm so relieved that I'm not alone in spending a considerable chunk of my life dealing with shit - literally. Except that in my case, it's kitty litter shit, and I think that might be far worse than the dog variety. Nice to share these things though...

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...