Friday, May 09, 2008


Surely (I hope so) this week spells the peak of Gordon Ramsay's extraordinary overexposure in Australia. A few weeks ago I would not have been able to put his face to a name. This week he is seemingly on television all the time, in one of two ridiculous television programs, a british one and an american one, that both always run to the same script. Oh and apparently there is also a game. If there is more to tv at present than Gordon Ramsay and CSI I can't seem to find it (well, admittedly Mia did tape an episode of Young Ramsay (no relation) for me so that was something - why can't all tv shows have Syd Heylen and Briony Behets on them). Yesterday I was having my morning coffee and a girl said to her boyfriend across the table, 'Gordon Ramsay thinks his kids swear too much'. Last night I got out the Green Guide and Gordon Ramsay was on the front, swearing too much. I went to Glenroy Noodles and they were playing a video of an old Gordon Ramsay show in the shop. I am being swamped by this idiot. I told Mia and she said oh just blog it but I knew that wouldn't do any fucking good.


Anonymous said...

Was Serge Lazareff in Young Ramsay?

Anonymous said...

Briony Behets! thank you, I had completely forgotten her until now.

David Nichols said...

Now your life is complete Tony. LOTAK, yes, he was, and doing a damn fine job.

Ann ODyne said...

on behalf of all who have ever paid fines for obscenity:

a pox on Gordo and all who promote him

( on 30th April 1981 a Melbourne magistrate wrote a 14-page summation and fined my record shop $1000 for displaying for sale an obscene item, the vinyl single of The Dead Kennedys 'Too Drunk To Fuck' )

BwcaBrownie said...

also in the 80's, Brian Mannix of the Uncanny X-Men was charged after saying fuck onstage (in Frankston I think, which makes it extra funny.
New gaols would need building if all the people in Frankston who said fuck in public were charged.

Kirsty said...

I like your new green.

I saw Leigh Rigozzi on ABC2 last night in a Noise segment. That was good television.

Adam said...

i'm a bit partial to gordon. UK is better than US cos you get the follow up where you find out that they just ignored all the advice he gave them and the business has been shut down.

csi Miami is good fun slappy trash and the original is just too bruckheimer-y to not love. csi NY sucks though.

but for mine there should be more NCIS.

David Nichols said...


Anonymous said...

Adam is right about Gordon

David Nichols said...


d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...