Sunday, March 09, 2008

launceston + still ill + good times-ish

So Mia and I went to Launceston last night. It was good to get away from Connex for a while, I tell you what. But we went because she was shortlisted for the Glover prize, which incidentally is held at Evandale which is much closer to Launceston airport than Launceston is. We went to the prizegiving and then we had some japanese food in Launceston and then to a bar called The Metz which appears to be where the cats hang out. Then we watched Seinfeld in our hotel room (decadentt!) And the next morning we prowled around Launceston a bit (very attractive town, by the way, quite underrated by fools) and then we came back. Then I drove Mia to Golden Plains (her first real rock festa experience) and came back. Then I had a small family gathering to go to and then I went and saw Part Timer and Jon Michell at the Recorded Music Lounge. The last bit of all this looked like this:

Yes, really that blurry because I am still sick and very tired and it's all too much. But I did get home OK.

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...