Wednesday, February 27, 2008

everything is interconnected to everything else's connectables

So having discovered I am a replicant of Clinton Edwards, I then see Clintons everywhere, notably in the issues of the Maitland Watch newspaper I was reading yesterday afternoon in which a neighbouring town or shire or something was called Clinton. Also there is some famous American (Oscar winner or something?) called Hillary Clinton.

I woke up at 4.20 and it is now clear to me that purely and simply I have a cold. If it was brought on by a reaction to something in the curry well and good, but that's what it is. It may also have been connected to travelling for hours in a car with my father who had a cold, last Friday, to Ballarat and back, I was having one of my many books launched you know. So I took a pill.

I woke up and became very interested in Marty Feldman. Looking at a photograph I appreciated his eyes looked quite unusual. I think I was a little unclear on this as a child because I was so used to him on TV. Perhaps he was ubiquitous. According to wikipedia he had Grave's Disease (or Graves'?) which was supposedly the affliction that killed Ern Malley. Feldman began writing comedy for radio when he was twenty.

Anyway it's nearly 6 now so the paper will be here I won't keep you.

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