Wednesday, May 29, 2024

cherry lake

I am not kidding, as a child I was obsessed by Cherry Lake, also known as Lake Cherry. I used to look at it in the Gregorys and wonder wtf it could possibly be. I couldn't imagine what it could even slightly look like. It became one of those things, I don't know if you have things like that, but it was a place of great mystery that kind of entered into a particular plane of consciousness whereby I could hardly deal with it. Well today, without any particular forethought, I dealt with it. I went there. I was there. 

It was honestly an accident. Perry and I went to look at the Stony Creek backwash and having done that, coming out of the little cul-de-sac where I'd parked, I realised I didn't have a chance of turning right and going back towards the city so I turned left assuming at some point I'd be able to make a more convenient or practical turn. Then eventually I was just heading towards Williamstown and a worm in my head said go to Cherry Lake. It wasn't hard. 

Here is Perry examining not a cherry but an apple in Cherry Lake. It was presumably put there for flavouring. 

Here he is contemplating existence and ducks.
Oddly enough a lot of the path around the lake is placed in such a way you can't see it a lot of the time, so great is the distance, and the foliage. 
So, for instance, this is looking out across to the lake but where is it, ya know? 
Presumably this very overgrown and fenced-off path was once a path to the lake, but I wouldn't fancy your chances now. 
This is where something called Cherry Creek enters Cherry Lake. Whatever Cherry Creek has in it, the ducks love it. 
You can see them in the middle distance there. 
Picture where the oil refineries and the city skyline blend across the lake, #1. 
Picture where the oil refineries and the city skyline blend across the lake, #2 (with swans).
So that's Cherry Lake. I now have no more mysteries, at all, in my life. At all. 

Cherry Lake reentered my consciousness incidentally a few months ago when some paper ran a story on the actor Pia Miranda, who apparently walks its perimeter every day I think. I spent a lot of time there trying to remember her last name, my brain throwing up various other Pias, not that there are millions, but Pia Zadora obviously etc. I have since realised where I was going terribly wrong - for some reason I got it into my head that Pia Miranda was Pino Amenta's daughter, but I couldn't really remember his name either, and if I was sailing towards that notion, well, her name is obviously not Pia Amenta. It took a fucking long time to piece it together. Pino Amenta's actor daughter's name is Jade. Pia Miranda has nothing to do with the Amentas at all. Sorry to all concerned. I could have cleared it up with two minutes of wikipedia wandering but I was lazy. 

Oh, and here it is from not the 1975 Gregorys but the 1966 Melways when it was still known as a swamp. There was a lot more swamp around it then too seemingly. I MISS THOSE DAYS

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