Wednesday, February 28, 2024

righting wrongs

Today was a shitfully hot day (actually, it still is shitfully hot out there) and in the early morning i.e. before 9am Perry and I went out to find somewhere to walk, we drove, or rather I did, which I quickly realised was stupid, particularly as there was no real endpoint established, so I pulled over at Kensington and we walked around there. I thought I'd taken a few pictures but apparently nah there were none, aside from the one above, which is from the extent of our walk, at the end of the bridge over the Maribyrnong looking into what used to be a holding paddock for the hapless animals and is now a nature reserve of sorts, but it (and Kensington Banks or whatever it's called these days) will always have a sinister, if not tragic, vibe for me. Well, that's what we did and we were back by 9:30 so all good. 

Over the last couple of days when normal work has overwrought me I have set about fixing one of the worst wikipedia crimes of all time, the ridiculous treatment accorded the Daryl and Ossie Show broadcast on Channel 0 in September-October 1978. The wikipedia entry for Daryl Somers completely ignored the fact that there was no Hey Hey It's Saturday at all in 1978, and that instead Daryl and Ernie Carroll made one night-time show for Channel 9 and then, I'm guessing because 9 only wanted them to continue doing the show for kids in the mornings, they left 9 for 0. They made forty episodes of The Daryl and Ossie Show at 0, a half-hour daily program (apparently never broadcast in any other city), and then although there was talk about restructures etc the ratings were bad and they went back to 9 in 1979, now cohosting with Jacki McDonald and I'm not entirely sure when John Blackman came on board but I'm guessing around then. 

I'm pretty pleased with my work on those pages. As I mentioned, the Daryl Somers wikipedia page ignored the 1978 hiccup altogether, instead assuming a seamless continuation between 1971-1999 with the biggest change being the move to evenings in 1984. There was also, however, a Daryl and Ossie Show wikipedia page acknowledging the show, but framing it as though going to Channel 0 was a bit of a holiday for Daryl and Ossie and then they went home (to 9). Silly. Television doesn't work like that. I think I got it sorted out - at least, as much as I could from the Age and the Sydney Morning Herald. 

I mean, I have possibly never done more pointless research, but it was pretty satisfying. I see there are nine eps of The Daryl and Ossie Show in the NFSA, I don't know how excruciating they are, but my pain threshold might be too low. 

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d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...