Friday, February 02, 2024

pin oak ct

So of course the trip to Blue Flame and James Freud's house was just in the right place for another wondrous icon, which is Pin Oak Ct, the street where external scenes for Neighbours have been shot for 39 years. 

Actually, I had not intended to go there at all, or even thought about it, but once I was in the general area of Blue Flame it occurred to me that it was around somewhere and in fact it was devilishly close so it would have been rude not to visit. 

I had been there before - at least twice - once was with someone from the UK who wanted their picture taken there but who was it?! Anyway... it is much, much smaller than I'd remembered. 

It's also very nondescript. There was no-one around. I got some lemons off the lemon tree (and also picked a few up from one of the lawns where I assumed they had fallen). 

Then weirdly driving around and getting lost and finding it impossible to go particular ways because of the appalling traffic on main roads, I took what turned out to be one of those right wrong turns, because though I had not intended to I ended up driving past the old Channel 10 studio which is now basically where they film the interiors for Neighbours. I had been there before, at least once, maybe more. Anyway it was all closed up (it was Sunday) but what I hadn't realised was the building doubles for Erinsborough High. Hence the sign. 

There was a tram out the back too. I don't know why but if you do, please tell me. 

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