Friday, January 01, 2021


Somehow I managed to watch this 4-part BBC political thriller in completely the wrong order, with the first episode last. I am not even sure what happened then, whether I watched the 3rd or the 2nd episode next, but ultimately, when I started on the first episode I was like - well, I don't think I need to see this. 

Of course having watched it in entirely the wrong order I now can't know how good it is in the right order, but watching it in the wrong order was pretty interesting and engaging. Hugh Laurie is excellent as a prize prick with no scruples except that in his way he is largely true to himself. Rest of cast excellent. Lot of good lines, the woeful family dinner the best bit. 

So I went back and tried to watch the last fifteen minutes of the fourth episode to attempt to get a sense of how what I thought was the cliffhanger of the first episode was actually the end of the whole. I can't really see how the ending is satisfactory and there is a scene towards the end there that makes no sense to me at all but which is apparently meant to seal HL's character's doom... possibly something in episode one sets that up. I brought this on myself.

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d4 the toffee apple man

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