Thursday, January 14, 2021

box of crap # umpteen

This tin, probably a biscuit tin from about 80+ years ago is rusty, ugly, basically a nasty thing to have around. Why do I have it, why do I still have it after identifying it as such? Why did I briefly think 'well, I could use this to put pens in' or whatever I thought? It's gross, and if I saw it on the footpath, I wouldn't look at it twice. I certainly wouldn't pick it up. Some things you end up keeping because you've kept them. Ugh, I started thinking this might extend to friendships, and of course being me I didn't think 'who do I retain as a useless, rusty, ugly, nasty friend I should logically jettison' and instead I thought 'who retains me as a useless, ugly...' etc.

Anyway, binning this today. I mean unless you want it. 

1 comment:

Person I want to be said...

Sensation! Archeologists discovered the oldest dustiest screenshot of canonical friendzoning.

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...