Thursday, December 31, 2020

oh what a year

Hasn't it just been a rollercoaster ride? In truth, as I am writing this on 3 October, I don't really know how the ride 'ended', but I just thought I'd put in a note about my significant return to the blogosphere in 2020, after, um, a major slump last year, back to the glory days (if 'glory' means 'frequently posting') of this blog.  As I think I had previously mentioned (maybe I haven't) the problem was I had to go into my-old-gmail-address-mode to get to this blog; the main reason I am back in business with Lorraine Crescent is that Blogger has somehow made it easier to click through, so there's none of the gatekeeperishness of 'god, what's that password again?' although I suppose it's been a year of much more sittin' at home not talking to people and maybe writing here fills in the time. It takes on a life of its own though of course, a blog, and once you've got the first ten years down you are probably not going to give it up fully. 

One thing I have been considering is whether to go back and clean up previous posts particular as regards to dead links, etc. It wouldn't make sense if I just clipped them out, I'd have to put something in there a la the Simpsons picture of the drunk cameraman and a 'stand by', except no point standing by, that film clip of the Bee Gees doing 'Sweet Song of Summer' is never going to be there (it probably is somewhere on youtube though, just not on that link anymore). Well, I'll think about it. I assume that just by dint of the fact that the world is six billion buzzing browsers, those posts still get hits. I just checked a random 2009 post, because for a second I thought each post had a record of how many views it got on the 'reader' side of the blog but it doesn't, I have to go back into the works to see that; but what I did note, also arguably important, is that pictures on this blog in its early years were tiny. If I went back and enlarged them they'd probably be horrendously pixilated, don't know, but maybe there's a sweet spot where at least it doesn't look like an out of focus postage stamp. 

I mean considering most of the time this is just a low-key ramble, and I have about five loyal readers (thank you) and that's it, it's probably if not a waste of time, certainly time spent that I could be doing better things with, but also it keeps the (writing) muscle active, and that's not the worst thing. 

Anyway, greetings from October! Remember us? We were naive, we had no idea what the next three months was going to hold. We were optimistic for the outcome of a US presidential election. Yes, we had something to focus on. 


Anonymous said...


David said...

No rabbits till tomorrow

d4 the toffee apple man

  27 June 1973. I am not quite sure when it was - probably about season 3 - was the absolute worst Homicide episode, ending in a christmas s...