Monday, January 18, 2021

clicking noises

I have a clock, it's battery powered and I assume that its loud ticking is faux, like, a recorded noise it broadcasts. I am usually impervious to it but when I hear it I find it mildly irritating (not enough to do anything about it - like I said, mildly). Stupidly I often forget I have a clock in here (as loud as it is) so when I want to know the time I go looking for it on my phone, my computer or the LED clock radio in the bedroom, or I look into Nancy's eyes where she shows where a display conveys where we are between 6am breakfast time and 5pm dinner time (or the other way around). 

I also have some things in the corner which click. I think one of them is the timer on a bedsight light I have put in the window, a sick looking panda, who I have set up to look out on the street like a sick panda lighthouse every night around midnight for a couple of hours. I don't know how that timer works, presumably it is electric, in some fashion. It probably expends more power restricting the flow of electricity to the sick panda light than it would if it were just turned off 'at the wall'. But the clicking might also be something to do with the heater. Which isn't on, by the way, but is I guess always lurking. That clicking is close to the noise you get in your ear when something is really wrong with your head. You know that noise? 

There are a lot of birds around here, which is great, and some are the chirping kind and others are the ones that sound like the sort of noise that you could slow down a little (or otherwise deepen) and put a bit of echo on and they'd be dinosaur noises for a film. Last night as I was trying to sleep, there were noises either of someone breaking into the house (I wonder) or the possums in the roof (slightly more likely) or people downstairs doing things (probably most likely) but I analysed every noise (without actually getting up to do anything about investigating - experience tells me that's always unproductive). 

And that's my meditation on noises as I sit here. Should I have written a poem? Not too late. 

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