Thursday, January 21, 2021

box of crap #20, 21, 22

Three disparate items. The top image is one of a bunch of photocopies of stuff from a Chads Tree scrapbook, lightly annotated. I don't have the slightest clue why I have this stuff, although it just occurred to me that it *may* have had something to do with the Chads Tree compilation CD - did I write something for that? I might have. Or I was asked to and it wasn't used. Either way I might have said is there some gumpf, or perhaps some bumpf, I can look through for ideas/detail? Because that would enrich the whole. So perhaps that's why I had that. 

The second thing is fairly self-explanatory, a classic Mia handbill for a show and a very fine line-up, I miss the Paper Planes and Marika was such a great songwriter, and probably indeed still is. 

The last picture I hesitate to share, it's one of a few along those lines, of me in the 1960s. I was having a great time clearly. I have these pictures and I am not entirely certain by what channel they came to me but they belonged to one of my grandmothers I am fairly sure and I retain them not through sentimentality about myself as a young child but because I loved both my grandmothers and I miss them (in a very different way to the way I miss Paper Planes). 

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d4 the toffee apple man

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